My Art Media Lab invites you to our "Women and Girls's Stories Through the Art of Photography" course, where you'll master the art of narrating women's stories through photography, advocacy practices, and essential photography skills.

This photovoice course covers:

  • Women and girls’ photography regulations and ethics
  • Photo shooting skills
  • Advocacy ethics and techniques
  • Visual storytelling and testimony 
  • Using social media to share your work and influence policymakers

A camera is a powerful tool for advocacy, allowing you to become the voice for the voiceless, particularly women and children, whose issues are often overlooked. This course teaches you not only how to photograph but also how to reveal the hidden and neglected aspects of women's and children's lives, making a positive impact on viewers.

Registration Deadline: End of September 2024

For any questions, please contact us at: [email protected]


Course Details and Benefits:

  • Certificate from the Social Art Festival (SoArt) upon successful completion
  • Selected photos will be featured in an online exhibition and possibly in a physical exhibition
  • Published photo book of selected works
  • Duration: Five months (September to February 2025)
  • Format: Online
  • Cost: Free
  • Open to: Anyone in Iran interested in Women and children's rights and photography