SoArt Club

“So-Art” (Social Art) is an artistic club aiming at bringing together young artists who are interested in social issues and social change.

“So-Art” (Social Art) is an artistic club aiming at bringing together young artists who are interested in social issues and social change. Recognizing the impact of artists on society, So-Art utilizes the unique ability of artists to serve society by elevating its culture.

We look at social art as a means to articulate social problems and shortcomings. We believe that artists, thanks to their artistic abilities and critical approach, can amplify the voice of the people. Artists can bring together different groups of people by creating an opportunity for them to achieve mutual understanding and solving their problems.

Whether we believe in “socially committed art” or “art for art’s sake,” it cannot be denied that artistic works and trends are impacted by society; yet, artists’ works also often constitute points of departure in social change and cultural enrichment.

At So-Art, we believe that artists, like other citizens, carry social responsibility. At the same time, they play a more effective role in bringing about social change. As such, in collaboration with artists, we endeavor to disclose social problems. We strive to support artists to create works of art that lead to cultural development.

At So-Art, our initial step will identify the problems that minorities face and the means of relieving them which began in 2018. Works created by our artists will be exhibited in many galleries inside and outside Iran as well as online. We strive to create an opportunity for dialogue and an outlet for expression of creativity and talent. Our activities at So-Art will be conducted in Persian.


From Voice Unheard

Actors of Social Change in Iran & Afghanistan

In collaboration with the Center for Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard University, Touch Art Gallery is pleased to present “From Voice Unheard; Actors of Social Change in Iran & Afghanistan” a group exhibition by 24 artists from Iran and Afghanistan.